Workin' It Wednesdays

Guess what day it is?!?! Hump Day!

Yes, I still say that pretty much every Wednesday. I try not to work for the weekends but weekends are just so much more fun for me and loving my week days is something I am trying to work on.

Speaking of, today, I am linking up with Mix & Match Mama and A Little Bit of Everything for Workin' It Wednesdays!

Here is how it works; One Wednesday out of every month, you can link up with these lovely ladies and share how you are keeping "it" together. Check out the dates and topics below and link up your stories.

Today's topic is: New Year's Goals!!
Ok so I am not normally a New Years Goal kind of person, I feel like if you want to make a goal, do it whenever you want but this year, I am kind of feeling it. I have some goals that I would like to really focus on this year, so here they are.

1) Loving my Week Days. As I mentioned earlier, I am a "Working for the Weekend" kind of gal. But I don't want to be that kind of person anymore. I love my days, don't get me wrong but I want to not have to destress after a long day at work. This goal is going to take a lot of planning to achieve. Planning on my weekends. 
  • Planning Meals for the week ahead
  • Getting all clothes planned out for the week ahead
  • Being more spontaneous during the week. i.e.: Going to a bar, or a movie
Simple things that I am sure all of you do but I just haven't. I think setting aside that little time every weekend will really help me during the week.

2) Blogging more. I really want to blog more. I love reading everyones posts and there are so many great tidbits that I receive. I want to share and I also love looking back and reading about my life, one year ago. Community is important and I want to join in. Really and Truly. 

So I will be linking up with the bloggers from today and I hope to link up with Momfessionals and her Show and Tell Tuesdays and a few of my other favorite bloggers.

And most importantly I want to share some my favorite things in life, house goods, kitchen goods, bedroom good, anything and everything to make like grander.

3) Sugar intake. Another goal for the year and really for the next few months, is really watching my sugar and processed food intake. I have a huge sweet tooth. I'm not eating a crazy amount of sugar but there are so many processed foods out there with a ridiculous amount of sugar. My body doesn't need that. I am going to stick to veggies and protein, mostly organic from Lucky's Market. 

My local (and right around the corner from my house) 99% organic grocery store. Prices are super fair and I can find just about everything I need. 

4) Working out. I have a treadmill; A really nice treadmill that I barely use. That has to change. Living in Florida, it gets super hot and super humid and nearly impossible to run around my neighborhood in the afternoons so I bought a really nice treadmill for super cheap from some friends. So cardio coupled with a few Pure Barre classes a week, I think this will really help. 

A new studio is opening up close to my work so I am buying the pre-opening special and heading to some classes. I'm super stoked about this. I used to do this workout called Yoga Booty Ballet and I loved it. This seems very similar.

5) Reading. I used to love reading but after working on my Masters Degree, reading turned from being a fun hobby to a chore. I hated it. I really had a hard time finishing a book. When you have to constantly read about terrorism, torture, and international politics, you would probably lose your appetite for reading too.

I even had a hard time reading my all time favorites that I have read at least a dozen times, Harry Potter and Pride and Prejudice. It was just as though my brain kept telling me "nope, not today." I just couldn't focus. Well that started about two years ago and I am finally starting to get back in the mood. I'm starting small with some fun comic books.

My fabulous husband got me Lumberjanes for Christmas and then took me to the library and we found Gotham Academy. So far, I am still going strong. I'll start out small and work my way up to some spiritual books maybe by summer. I really want to read Oprahs book What I know for Sure. 

Who knows, maybe i'll get that next. I'm really glad and relieved that I'm finally coming out of my reading funk.

Well I have lot of other goals, garage cleanup, pantry organization but I think I would like to share my before and afters in future blog posts so thats good for now.

Tomorrow I want to share the Yin-Yang Dip recipe that my in-laws make every Christmas. It's so delicious, semi-easy to make and man will it impress your guests and yourself.

Happy Wednesday Y'all!! 

Xoxo, Lynsey


  1. I'm right there with you on that sugar intake thing! I have a major sweet tooth!!! If you figure out how to break it, let me know!

  2. Will do Elaine! I'm thinking the Oprah way. I will still eat it but in more healthy ways, Truvia, high percentage Cocao, and definitely keeping away from the processed though.


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