Lynsey Logic

Have you ever just had that sense, that extra feeling, that puts everything in the right place? For me, that is Lynsey logic. I can't explain it, I just know that whatever "it" is - "it" makes sense to me. So I've decided to write down my logic. All things Lynsey logic. Food logic, clothes logic, technology logic, lifestyle, holidays, relationship logic. I think you get gist. And maybe future me will appreciate looking back and enjoy my random brain.

So, hello, I am Lynsey Marie. I have an amazingly handsome, witty, and talented Husband, Jonathan. We have three fur babies. 

Mika (pronounced Mee-Ka), 7, Coton De Tulear (white, fluffy, hypoallergenic)

Eevee, 4, Rescued mix. Possibly Yorkie mixed with a Jack Russell Terrier

Raven, 3, Tortie Cat with sass.

Warning: Jonathan and I are extremely obsessed with our fur babies. They are our family and they each have such amazing personality. Our future children will come second to our fur babies. Just kidding!

Anywho, I love family time and we often venture out for mini-weekend vacations to my home town of Panama City, FL. I love crafts and can actually be quite crafty when I have the time and focus (note the curtains in Ravens photo, I made those. They are 8 ft. tall). I love reading fantasy novels (HP is my favorite but I would choose Pride & Prejudice as my forever-deserted-island book). Also, I am a horrible speller. Please, please forgive any and all spelling errors. I also love reading and learning about international affairs.

I have been working on my Master's in International Affairs and recently traveled to the Western Balkans. Croatia and Bosnia to be exact. I will make a separate post about my travels there but I would highly recommend it.

I also love to go hiking and camping. My Husband and I are really hoping to get out and be "one with nature" more this Fall and 2016. I would really like to do posts about all the different campgrounds within a 400 mile radius of us.

I also work for the state government. I don't like to talk details there but I love what I do and find it very rewarding.

I'm not a big cooker but I have high hopes and I like to attempt the impossible and also keep things simple.

I follow lots of amazing bloggers. I don't know the rules of blogging yet but once I do, I'll share who they are and why I follow them.

So that's it! Happy Blogging!

Xoxo Lynsey


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